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Why no one is buying your digital products (and how to fix it)

Writer's picture: Jennifer HeppellJennifer Heppell

Are you wondering why no one is buying your digital products?

We've all been there.

You're crazy excited to launch your next product. Maybe it's an awesome action-packed course, a crazy detailed e-book or a genius time-saving template.

You spend days, weeks or even months pouring every part of yourself into your product. And that whole product creation process is exhausting! You launch your product and wait... hit refresh a few hundred times but nothing. Crickets. Tumbleweeds drift by and you decide to head to bed feeling defeated.

A few more days go by and still no sales. It sucks!

But there are a few common reasons why you're not making any sales and the good news is that they're easy to fix.


There's a LOT that goes into a successful launch.

You might think that just creating a product and hitting "launch" on your online platform is enough and everyone will somehow know that your product exists. But there's so much more to a launch!

The first step in any strategic product launch plan is actually finding out if there is a demand for your product (if there's not, that might explain the lack of sales!)

Before you even start creating your product, it's worth surveying your audience to see if they want or need your product. It doesn't need to take you long - just send a short email with a questionnaire attached, put a poll in your Facebook Group or on your Instagram stories and review the results that come in.

If your audience's main pain point is growing their email list, creating a course on how to get your first 1,000 subscribers is likely to sell better than a course on how to create graphics in Photoshop.


Second up on my list of reasons why no one is buying your digital products is a lack of strategy behind your launch. A lot of people seem to think that a launch is just about creating a product and announcing that it is now available to purchase!

But there's so much more strategy to it than that.

Each element of that sales funnel has its own part to play in my product launch. And each element needs to be prepared and tested before the launch happens to make sure everything is running smoothly.

For a launch to be as successful as possible, you need to be strategic about each step. Target your sales emails to people you know are already interested in your product.

How do you know? By testing the waters with a freebie or even a low-priced tripwire based on the same topic.

How do you get your audience there? By creating content tailored to that topic and promoting it well in advance of your launch.


If you want people to buy, you need to sell.

As business owners, this can be super tough. It's something that I really struggle with even now. It makes me feel super awkward when I promote myself and my products. Even though I try to do it in a non-sleazy way, it still makes me cringe.

But, if I didn't promote my products, no one would ever know that they existed or where to buy them from and I would make zero sales!

So, if you're not promoting or selling your products to your audience, you won't be making many sales. It's kind of obvious when you see it written down like that but it is still one of the most common blocks a lot of people face.

On the other hand, if you're being super pushy and sales-y you might start to push people away - it's all about getting the balance right.


People like to know that what they are about to invest in is worth their hard-earned money. The best way to reassure them that it is a great investment is for your previous customers or students to tell them.

Of course, you're going to say that your own products are great and that after purchasing them, your customers and students will see x, y, z results. After all, you're trying to convince people to buy from you to make money, right?

But the testimonials of other people will speak to potential buyers much more strongly. They are impartial and have nothing to gain from telling people how great the product is (well, not when we're talking about testimonials - affiliates are a whole other ball game!)

The best time to get testimonials is during your testing period. Ask your beta testers for feedback and a short written testimonial that you can use on your sales page when you first launch your product. Once your product has officially been launched, set up an automated email sequence to go out to people who have purchased and use that to ask for testimonials too.


There is a trend in the online business world to have an open/close launch where people can only purchase your products within a particular window of time. This might be a one-week period twice per year or it might be a 2-day period one a year.

I don't like this style of pressure selling (I'm a sucker for it as a customer though! FOMO is real!) and, because my audience is small and still growing, it's not an effective selling tool for me and my biz right now.

So I create evergreen sales funnels to ensure that I'm making regular sales AFTER the initial launch period and immediate hype is over.

You might find that no one is buying your digital products because you're not leading and nurturing them to that point. An effective sales funnel is a way to showcase your expertise to your audience, share valuable information with them for free and gain their confidence to the point where they want to purchase one of your products.

If you set up your sales funnel the right way, it can run on autopilot - hello, passive income!

Now that you know 5 of the biggest reasons that no one is buying your digital products and how to fix those issues, you'll be making more sales in no time at all! Whilst some of these fixes might require a bit of work up front, they're totally worth it in the long run!

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